Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I have installed MySql 5.1 version on my lappy and when I try to connect with the DB it was giving me following error:

“Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client”

MySQL 5.1 uses an authentication protocol based on a password hashing algorithm that is incompatible with that used by older (pre-4.1) clients. If you upgrade the server from 4.0, attempts to connect to it with an older client may fail with the above message.

To solve this problem, you should use one of the following approaches:

  • Upgrade all client programs to use a 4.1.1 or newer client library.

  • When connecting to the server with a pre-4.1 client program, use an account that still has a pre-4.1-style password.

  • Reset the password to pre-4.1 style for each user that needs to use a pre-4.1 client program. This can be done using the SET PASSWORD statement and the OLD_PASSWORD() function:

    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR -> some_user‘@’some_host‘ = OLD_PASSWORD(‘newpwd‘);

    Alternatively, use UPDATE and FLUSH PRIVILEGES:

    mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD(‘newpwd‘) -> WHERE Host = ‘some_host‘ AND User = ‘some_user‘; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Earlier to this command password look like this

mysql> select Host,User,Password  from mysql.user;
| Host      | User  | Password                                  |
| localhost | root  | *F02BB955B742538740F1CF4B7196B8804001C74F |
| %         | nitin | *F02BB955B742538740F1CF4B7196B8804001C74F |

After the command it changed it to this.

mysql> select Host,User,Password  from mysql.user;
| Host      | User  | Password                                  |
| localhost | root  | *F02BB955B742538740F1CF4B7196B8804001C74F |
| %         | nitin | 5b58a62e4240429c |

This works for me. Hope this will help


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