Trying to Login with DOMAIN\USERNAME but getting error “Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'”

There are two servers, one is app and one is Db both hosted on AWS separate EC2. App server have an IIS and logged in with service account to communicate with DB server. Application is using Trusted_Connection option in connection string so that not have to specify credentials and communicate as logged in user. While communicating App server hits with below error, IIS app was configured with default AppPoolIdentity –

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$’.

Continue reading “Trying to Login with DOMAIN\USERNAME but getting error “Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$’””

Angular Js: ng serve doesn’t listen remote machine

If you are working on Angular Js and trying to run it form remote machine, you will face this issue of site not opening.

ng serve

above command binds to with port 4200 by default.

In order to open this up for all IP address you can use below command while running ng serve. Cannot find any provider supporting RSA/NONE/OAEPPADDING

Got below error during web service request:- Cannot find any provider supporting RSA/NONE/OAEPPADDING
at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(DashoA12275)

Continue reading “ Cannot find any provider supporting RSA/NONE/OAEPPADDING”

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot map handler [controller] to URL path : There is already handler

I am using Spring 3.0 for my new application…I am not very familiar with annotation but learning them they are cool.  Today I faced “Cannot Map Handler [XXX] to URL Path” error, while running my page.

Later debug I found that I duplicated the Controller definition stuff inside XXX-Servlet.xml as below. Continue reading “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot map handler [controller] to URL path : There is already handler”

When we need HttpSessionBindingListener?

The HttpSessionBindingListener interface is implemented when an object needs to be notified if it's being bound to a session or unbound from a session.

Objects implement this interface so that they can be notified when they are being bound or unbound from a HttpSession. When a binding occurs (using HttpSession.setAttribute()) HttpSessionBindingEvent communicates the event and identifies the session into which the object is bound. Similarly, when an unbinding occurs (using HttpSession.removeAttribute()) HttpSessionBindingEvent communicates the event and identifies the session from which the object is unbound.

This interface has two methods, that are notified when the status of the object has changed:

  • public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) : Notifies the object that it is being bound to a session and identifies the session.
  • public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) : Notifies the object that it is being unbound from a session and identifies the session.

Note, this listener will not be declared in the deployment descriptor as the same as HttpSessionActivationListener interface. The container at runtime will introspect this object to see if it implements the HttpSessionActivationListener and/or HttpSessionBindingListener and fires appropriate events to the object.

These methods have a HttpSessionBindingEvent parameter that can be used to retrieve the session that the object was bound to and the name it was given in the session.

Class HttpSessionBindingEvent

Events of this type are either sent to an object that implements HttpSessionBindingListener when it is bound or unbound from a session, or to a HttpSessionAttributeListener that has been configured in the deployment descriptor when any attribute is bound, unbound or replaced in a session.

The session binds the object by a call to HttpSession.setAttribute and unbinds the object by a call to HttpSession.removeAttribute.

The methods of this object that are used to get the name that's assigned to the object, the session it's bound to, and the actual object:

  • public String getName() : Returns the name with which the attribute is bound to or unbound from the session.
  • public Object getValue() : Returns the value of the attribute that has been added, removed or replaced. If the attribute was added (or bound), this is the value of the attribute. If the attrubute was removed (or unbound), this is the value of the removed attribute. If the attribute was replaced, this is the old value of the attribute.
  • public HttpSession getSession() : Return the HttpSession that the object was bound to or unbound from.