Angular Js: ng serve doesn’t listen remote machine

If you are working on Angular Js and trying to run it form remote machine, you will face this issue of site not opening.

ng serve

above command binds to with port 4200 by default.

In order to open this up for all IP address you can use below command while running ng serve.

Oracle Constraint Exceptions

ADD/ENABLE constraint exception like ORA-02437, ORA-02299 etc

Today while working on one assignment I came across situation where I have to enable a unique key constraint on the table which some one disabled and forget due to which many duplicate records get entered and started creating problem for the application.

Now challenge is to find out all those records there are ways to  find duplicates by writing some queries but this is easiest and faster way by using Oracle Exceptions table.

Continue reading “Oracle Constraint Exceptions”

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey: serverName

Today I was working on a Ant target to upload file to server using SCP task which using jsch-0.1.49.jar API. Below is the syntax for same in Ant build.xml. You need to add the API file in class path.

<target name=”copyFileToServer”>
        <echo>::::::::copyFileToServer Example::::::::::::</echo>
    <scp file=”Sample.txt” todir=”${svn.username}:${svn.password}@${hostname}:/tmp/” verbose=”true” port=”2222″  failonerror=”true”/>

When I tried this I faced “reject HostKey” error. Reason of error was server was not listed in my known hosts list. So in order to fix this you have two options either add that server to known host list or

Continue reading “com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey: serverName”

Download sequence of files using Curl

In day to day life we used to download useful stuff from world wide web, sometime requirement to download sequence of files, one way is to do it manually by clicking individual links or automate the download using Curl.

Showing you that next, how we can do it.

grab Curl from :

Curl has the ability to set sequences (including with leading zeroes, and alphanumeric sequences) as part of the download command which makes it a lot easier. This is all covered in the man page so I suggest reading it for a complete understanding of the options available.
Continue reading “Download sequence of files using Curl”

jQuery Mobile bugs, tips and tricks

jQuery mobile is a framework build upload on jQuery and jQuery UI foundation, which is a unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms. Now days jQuery becoming popular among mobile sites. In spite of bugs (couple of explained below) this should not put you off developing with the framework as no framework is 100% complete, it get improvements/enhancements on going with users feedback. One of the major factor why jQuery Mobile becoming popular is easy to learn,  early adoption of jQuery mobile by mobile sites and a large range of online support, threads and documentation available. Almost all bugs we encountered are known to development team and they definitely will fix those in future releases.

Many of the bugs are unique to the older Android devices (like 2.2, 2.3), therefore with the recent news that Google Chrome is to become the standard browser on Android 4.0 and above means that, jQuery mobile will be more consistent and will offer gr8 performance across devices. Currently, mobile chrome is available through Android Market in Beta.

One interesting fact, was when I ran CSS3/HTML5 compatibility test on Android default browser I got approx 188 points whereas when ran on Chrome I got approx 300 points which means quite a lot improvement and support for new features introduces with CSS3/HTML5.

Link: (Supported on Android 4.0+)

Couple of Known Bugs Continue reading “jQuery Mobile bugs, tips and tricks”